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6 Feb 2025 -
Modifications to the spells cast by monsters. Reduced spells cast on some monsters. Chance of...
12 Jan 2025 -
Fixed crash issue, sorry for the error.
24 Dec 2024 -
Fixed issue with ranged weapons when using arrows and bows with flaming or storm attribute.
28 Oct 2024 -
We activated the respawn blocker, and respawn time reduced by 65% ​​of the original!
13 Oct 2024 -
Respawn time decreased by 55% from the original.
Latest News
7.2.2025 Explorer adventurers! Author: GM on Oldura

Folda a small island, but keep a big secret,
A place explored by the past Eremo, who sought the power of cold storms.

Erome, already old, tries to stay away from problems and ambitions, avoids returning to this adventure, perhaps someone younger than him accepts this mission.
But of all things you must enter the tower.

12.1.2025 Special monsters. Author: GM on Oldura

On our server you will find challenging monsters with their skulls that represent their skill level and double drops and greater chance.

They have special loot that serves to improve items!

18.12.2024 Coming soon, upgrade system. Author: GM on Oldura

Coming soon, upgrade system for all armor, shields and weapons.

Weapons attributes such as:
Critical chance, Burning, Poison, Electricfy, Bleed, Attack, Defense and Skills to any weapons, bows and crossbows.

Armors and Shields attributes such as:

Avoid chance: chance to Avoid all damage any type.
Player Status: Health Max, Mana Max, Speed.
Skills Boost: Magic Level, Axe, Sword, Club, Shielding and Distance.
Experience: It can increase exp gain if an item has this attribute in its respective percentage.

Summons Status: during with item equipped.
Can increases summons' attributes: attack, skill, defense, armor. Only utevo res "monster.
Summon Speed and Summon Health.
Special summons can be teleported to the player.
(If you take off the equipment you will lose the summon during the game).

Player equipped with Avoid chance: Your summons have a chance depending on the status percentage.
Furthermore, based on the percentage of the Summons Status of the equipped item, the exp share of the owner is increased and the summons are decreased.

How to enchant items?
You will get loot items from monsters in hunts, raids and some quests and bosses.
There will be a chance of failure, and some attributes to be added depending on the enchanting item.
When the item reaches the enchante limit a message appears.

We will notify you of more information on this site.
See you later.

24.8.2024 Welcome to Oldura Author: GM on Oldura

Dear oldschool lovers.
We are launching new and different server 7.4
Now more fun and better, we set the premium account always free.

In addition, runes and some foods such as cheese, grapes, manafluid and lifefluids are now stackable.

But what guarantees that the server will be durable?

We have 3 types of bonus accounts, which will give bonuses in exp and skills.

Copper Account 15% more bonus.
Silver Account 25%.
Gold Account 50%.
This will only apply to exp and skills.

But won't this be pay to win?
Maybe, but this will depend on how the player will use their time to progress in the game, the server is free premuim account so you will have to be careful and waste that time dying afk or a bunch of low level ambushing, right?

The information for players will be:

Exp is 5x.
Skill and Magic 3x.
Mana 2 for 2.
Life 2 in 2.
Loot 2x.

Say: !cast to open cast system give more 10% exp without password, to close cast !cast off and open cast with password
ex: !cast 123.

This is the standard applicable to accounts as the bonus will only be applied to exp, skills and magic level.

House beds can now regenerate the player while sleeping without hunger.

Although the loot is 1x it would make the game more challenging, but some items like ring of the sky have a 10% chance of increasing loot, so this makes some items more valuable.

We also have an announcement system for very rare loot drops active when using an item with luck, anyone who knows RuneScape will know how this works, this is when a player drops a Vampire Shield if it is generated by a ring of the sky this will be announced globally.

So more information will be announced in the future, have a good game!

Status: Online
Players: 8
Accounts: 191
Characters: 213
» Server information
    No active casts.